Prabowo Subianto Mendorong Pendukungnya untuk Tidak Melakukan Aksi Demonstrasi: Prioritaskan Keutuhan dan Persatuan Bangsa

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Prabowo Subianto, the president-elect for the 2024-2029 period, urges voters, supporters, and volunteers of Prabowo-Gibran to prioritize the integrity and unity of the Indonesian nation by refraining from conducting mass actions at the Constitutional Court (MK) building.

“I, Prabowo Subianto, earnestly ask the people of Indonesia, especially the 96.2 million Indonesians who have voted for the Prabowo-Gibran pair, not to engage in any actions in front of the MK building or elsewhere in order to maintain the calmness of democracy, unity, and the integrity of the nation,” said Prabowo.

Prabowo acknowledged the accusations made by others, but he urged all his supporters to remain calm and peaceful.

“We understand that Prabowo-Gibran supporters are truly disturbed and have quite touching reactions, but we ask the supporters of the Prabowo-Gibran pair who have exercised their voting rights to always be vigilant and careful, not to be provoked, especially by parties that create an atmosphere of discord and unrest,” Prabowo said.

By restraining themselves and not reacting, Prabowo emphasized that it does not mean weakness but prioritizes the interests of the people and the nation in maintaining the unity of Indonesia.

“I emphasize once again, let us be calm, cool, restrain ourselves, and allow institutions and judges of the Constitutional Court to carry out their noble duties with wisdom, always prioritizing the interests of the Indonesian people for the beloved Indonesian nation,” Prabowo concluded.

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