Global Challenges: Artificial Intelligence Disruption

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By: Prabowo Subianto [excerpted from “Strategic Transformation of the Nation: Towards Golden Indonesia 2045”, page 49, 4th softcover edition]

In the past, before the existence of computers, everything had to be done manually. Tasks were performed by hand, and seeking information meant going to the library and searching through stacks of books.

Nowadays, computers, the internet, and artificial intelligence (AI) have made our lives much simpler. These technological advancements have not only improved our daily routines but also brought about challenges that we must address to ensure Indonesia’s workforce can effectively utilize and coexist with AI.

The rapid progress of artificial intelligence has changed the skill requirements in almost every industry, calling for a quick upskilling of the workforce.

If we do not adapt to these changes, there is a high risk of increased unemployment due to AI. Indonesia must avoid this scenario at all costs.

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