The Leadership of Indonesian National Leader Raden Panji Muhammad Noer

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This passage is taken from the book “Military Leadership Notes from Experience Chapter I” by Prabowo Subianto, in which he reflects on the leadership philosophy taught to him by Pak Mohammad Noer, also known as Cak Noer. Cak Noer emphasized the importance of a leader working to ensure that the poor and the pitiful can laugh, as it signifies hope and happiness in the midst of difficulties.

Prabowo Subianto shares his experience of interacting with Cak Noer and learning from his approach to leadership, particularly in relation to rural economic development and the well-being of farmers. He highlights Cak Noer’s hands-on approach to governance, including traveling to villages and listening to the concerns of the people.

The core lesson that Prabowo Subianto takes from Cak Noer is that a good leader must create conditions that allow their people to smile, especially the poor. By ensuring that the less fortunate can find happiness, a leader can make a meaningful impact on their lives and help them overcome poverty.

Overall, the passage underscores the significance of empathetic and people-centered leadership, as advocated by Cak Noer and embraced by Prabowo Subianto in his own approach to governance and public service.

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