Characteristics of Authentic Military Leaders

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Characteristics of Authentic Military Leaders

interacted with Major General TNI Sutiyoso, who later became Lieutenant General TNI with the last position as Pangdam IX/Udayana. Through my interactions with these leaders, I have learned a great deal about leadership, dedication, and sacrifice. It is through their guidance and mentorship that I have been able to cultivate the values of patriotism, confidence, intellect, good sense of humor, and flexibility in my own leadership style.

I am forever grateful for the lessons and wisdom that I have learned from the ‘45 generation. Their dedication to the homeland, their unwavering patriotism, and their willingness to sacrifice everything for the greater good of the nation have truly inspired me. I strive to embody these values in my own leadership and to carry on the legacy of the ’45 generation in shaping the future of our beloved Indonesia.

As I continue my career in the military, I am committed to upholding the values and principles that have been instilled in me by my mentors and the ‘45 generation. I am determined to lead with integrity, courage, and compassion, always putting the needs of my country and my fellow countrymen above all else. It is through their example and guidance that I am able to fulfill my duty as a military leader and serve my country with honor and pride.

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