Prabowo Subianto: Social Media Will Strengthen Democracy

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President-elect for the 2024-2029 term, Prabowo Subianto, has highlighted the growing strength of democracy in Indonesia, thanks to the advancement of the internet and social media. He emphasized that democracy revolves around the sovereignty of the people, giving them the power to choose their leaders.

In an exclusive interview with tvOne titled “Prabowo Subianto Speaks for Indonesia”, Prabowo explained that Indonesia’s large population necessitates a representative system where people elect their representatives to parliament. In the presidential system, individuals have the right to elect their president, regent, and governor, reflecting the will of the people.

When questioned about his government’s stance on criticism, Prabowo stressed the importance of objective and constructive criticism for maintaining checks and balances. He affirmed that criticism is essential but must be approached with objectivity.

Addressing the issue of freedom of the press, Prabowo acknowledged the significance of media freedom, although he noted that some mainstream media outlets in Indonesia are owned by a few individuals, raising concerns about whose interests they truly represent.

Despite this, Prabowo expressed optimism about the democratizing potential of social media, which provides access to a wider range of information sources. He highlighted the information revolution facilitated by platforms like the internet and social media, enabling swift dissemination of information to the public.

In conclusion, Prabowo asserted that democracy in Indonesia will be strengthened by the diverse information sources available through social media, preventing a small group of people from monopolizing the nation’s opinions.

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