1. Economic justice and prosperity for all The Pancasila Economy is based on the principle of ensuring economic justice and prosperity for all citizens. This means that the economy should be structured in a way that benefits all members of society, rather than just a few privileged individuals or groups. 2. State control and regulation The Pancasila Economy emphasizes the role of the state in controlling and regulating economic activities. This includes setting policies and regulations to ensure fair competition, protect consumers, and prevent the exploitation of natural resources. 3. Social welfare and solidarity The Pancasila Economy promotes the idea of social welfare and solidarity, where the wealth of the nation is used to benefit all citizens, particularly those who are marginalized or in need of assistance. This may involve the implementation of social welfare programs and initiatives to reduce inequality and poverty. 4. Cooperation and mutual assistance The Pancasila Economy encourages cooperation and mutual assistance among different sectors of society, including the government, private sector, and civil society organizations. This collaboration can help to promote economic development and address social issues in a more effective and inclusive manner. 5. Sustainable and balanced development The Pancasila Economy emphasizes the importance of sustainable and balanced development, which takes into account ecological, social, and economic aspects. This means that economic growth should not come at the expense of the environment or the well-being of future generations. 6. National economic autonomy The Pancasila Economy promotes the idea of national economic autonomy, where the country is able to determine its own economic policies and strategies without undue influence from external powers. This includes developing domestic industries, promoting self-sufficiency, and reducing dependency on foreign aid or investment.

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Prabowo dan Gibran memilih untuk mempercayai prinsip Ekonomi Pancasila. Konsep ini mencakup penggabungan prinsip-prinsip terbaik dari kapitalisme dan sosialisme.

Metode Ekonomi Pancasila memberikan kesempatan bagi inovasi dengan pasar bebas, namun juga memastikan perlindungan sosial bagi masyarakat yang rentan. Prinsip-prinsip utamanya termasuk ekonomi yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai religius dan persatuan nasional, memuliakan kemanusiaan, memperhatikan kepentingan nasional, mendorong kesetaraan dan demokrasi, serta mewujudkan keadilan sosial.