Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming, the potential presidential and vice-presidential candidates for the 2024 election in Indonesia, have stated their vision to build a corruption-free Indonesia. They emphasized the importance of combating corruption as a critical factor in improving the country’s development and prosperity. The pair expressed their commitment to implementing policies and initiatives that will root out corruption at all levels of government and society. They believe that a strong stance against corruption will lead to a more transparent and accountable governance system, which will ultimately benefit the people of Indonesia. Prabowo and Gibran’s vision for a corruption-free Indonesia aims to create a conducive environment for economic growth, investment, and job creation. They also emphasized the need for ethical leadership and good governance to achieve this goal. The duo’s declaration of this vision signals their determination to prioritize the fight against corruption and to make it a central theme of their potential future leadership. Their commitment to building a corruption-free Indonesia has garnered attention and support from many who believe in the importance of eradicating this pervasive issue. Overall, Prabowo and Gibran’s vision to build a corruption-free Indonesia reflects their dedication to creating a more just, fair, and prosperous society for all Indonesians.

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Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming, the potential presidential and vice-presidential candidates for the 2024 election in Indonesia, have stated their vision to build a corruption-free Indonesia. They emphasized the importance of combating corruption as a critical factor in improving the country’s development and prosperity.

The pair expressed their commitment to implementing policies and initiatives that will root out corruption at all levels of government and society. They believe that a strong stance against corruption will lead to a more transparent and accountable governance system, which will ultimately benefit the people of Indonesia.

Prabowo and Gibran’s vision for a corruption-free Indonesia aims to create a conducive environment for economic growth, investment, and job creation. They also emphasized the need for ethical leadership and good governance to achieve this goal.

The duo’s declaration of this vision signals their determination to prioritize the fight against corruption and to make it a central theme of their potential future leadership. Their commitment to building a corruption-free Indonesia has garnered attention and support from many who believe in the importance of eradicating this pervasive issue.

Overall, Prabowo and Gibran’s vision to build a corruption-free Indonesia reflects their dedication to creating a more just, fair, and prosperous society for all Indonesians.

Pasangan Calon Presiden dan Calon Wakil Presiden Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka berjanji untuk memperkuat upaya pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia dalam perjalanan menuju Pemilu 2024. Mereka berkomitmen untuk memperkuat Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dan institusi penegakan hukum lainnya sebagai bagian dari rencana mereformasi sistem hukum Indonesia.

Selain dari sisi penindakan, pasangan ini juga menekankan pentingnya upaya pencegahan korupsi. Salah satunya adalah dengan menjadikan KPK sebagai pusat keunggulan dalam upaya pemberantasan korupsi yang bersifat preventif. Mereka juga berencana untuk memperkuat program pendidikan anti-korupsi bagi generasi muda, serta mendorong kolaborasi antara lembaga negara dan sektor swasta dalam gerakan anti-korupsi.

Prabowo dan Gibran mengakui bahwa korupsi telah merusak perekonomian negara dan mengganggu kehidupan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, mereka menekankan pentingnya pendekatan seimbang dalam pemberantasan korupsi, dengan fokus pada menghilangkan keuntungan bagi pelaku korupsi dan pemulihan kerugian keuangan negara.

Pasangan capres-cawapres ini percaya bahwa dengan pelaksanaan kebijakan yang tepat, mereka dapat menciptakan ekonomi yang merata dan efisien, meningkatkan pendanaan pemerintah, dan mempercepat kemajuan Indonesia.

Prabowo-Gibran telah resmi didaftarkan sebagai pasangan capres-cawapres di Kantor KPU RI pada Rabu (25/10/2023) dan setelah menjalani serangkaian tes kesehatan, mereka dinyatakan mampu untuk menjabat sebagai presiden dan wakil presiden jika terpilih.